In the spirit of TeX. With the future in mind.

Fiderio is your next-gen framework for creating well-structured, print- and web-ready documents using Markdown-based syntax.

We will ping you once, when Fiderio is available.
No spam, no newsletter.

Accessibile · hybrid

Publish for people – not paper.

Write in one file and publish for everyone and everywhere. No hassle with cross-compilation, formats for different media and versions for various output formats.

		<video src="newtons-cradle.mp4" loop autoplay />
		<img src="newtons-cradle.jpg" />
		In the figure you can see a simplified and reduced version of Newton's cradle. At the top, 5 balls are suspended from a rectangle. Two of the balls are pulled and released. The two balls on the opposite side swing out by the same amount. The video is played in a loop.
		Newton's cradle <Print>(before the impact vs. after the impact)</Print>

Markdown · HTML/TailwindCSS

Beautiful per default, flexible on demand

Fiderio combines the simplicity of Markdown with the typographic beauty of TeX and the flexibility of HTML/TailwindCSS.

Incididunt <u class="decoration-orange">in amet</u>  est magna.

- Occaecat Lorem qui et id officia aliquip.
- Dolor consequat minim occaecat exercitation quis labore.
- Pariatur pariatur consectetur tempor duis ullamco mollit.

Incididunt in amet est magna.

  • Occaecat lorem qui et id officia aliquip.
  • Dolor consequat minim occaecat exercitation quis.
  • Pariatur pariatur consectetur tempor duis mollit.

There's no reason to miss LaTeX – promised.

1. Edit

Familiar code
From \cite to <Cite> – your switch will be smooth!
File splitting
Import separated content just with <FileName/>.
Fast preview
Save your edits and they're immediately compiled.

2. Extend

Use LaTeX syntax to create theorems and formulae.
Boost your writing with first-party and community plugins.
Change and personalize your document's design in seconds.

3. Save and export

Local & private
Everything runs on your own computer – no cloud, no tracking.
Plain text files and folders – everything works great with Git.
PDF, web export and Pandoc compatibility out of the box.

Reusbale Templates

Life is too short for Copy-Paste.

Instead of repeating the same code over and over and over again, transform it into a reusable template. Your content becomes cleaner and you've got a single source of truth to change styles in one place.


Amet et ea id quis nostrud ad anim ut laboris veniam laboris irure anim id nisi Lorem. Adipisicing nostrud tempor amet commodo laboris adipisicing Lorem qui sint. Id amet dolore ad in. Aliquip aliqua do cillum veniam non. In quis nisi laboris voluptate aliqua in commodo nostrud occaecat ipsum. Ipsum consectetur exercitation labore reprehenderit sint laborum enim. Ad nisi sunt do deserunt labore ea.

Inline Scripting

Be faster than your data.

Fiderio empowers you to create data-driven documents: With native support for JavaScript you never have to re-write the same lines again.

### Dynamic sample description

The last update of the sample was at {{ time }}.

- The sample size is N = {{ sample.length }}.
- Participants were on average {{ math.mean( => x.age)) }} years old, with a maximum of {{ Math.max( => x.age)) }}, and a minimum of {{ Math.min( => x.age)) }}.
- {{ sample.filter(x => x.happy == true ).length }} of them were happy ({{ Math.round(sample.filter(x => x.happy == true ).length / sample.length * 100) }}%).
	const sample = [{"age":30,"happy":true}]

Sample description

The last update of the sample was at 07:08:42.

  • The sample size is N = 1.
  • Participants were on average 30 years old, with a maximum of 30, and a minimum of 30.
  • 1 of them were happy (100%).

Hidden magic amazes.
Open source connects.

We truly believe in the power of open source. That's why Fiderio stands on grounded web standards, lives on top of open sourced giants – and of course will be free and open sourced itself.


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